Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What I have learned from Flag Football and other mind warp moments

Well, the boys played Flag Football this year. McCade wanted to play LAST year but with Grad School and Shane traveling, it just wasn't logistically feasible, so I promised him I wouldn't do a show this fall so I could get him to, and attend his football games. As always, the other kids were given the option of playing as well. Actually, we didn't offer that to Tacey, she was too busy running cross country. Dallin did decide to play however! I decided that I should take them to an actual game before they played, so I took them to the Shelley High School game when they played Firth (their bitter rivals!). Before long, Dallin had the game down; being the logical mind that he is. McCade ran around and played with his friends, and I didn't see Tacey all night except for when she needed money. It is sometimes really nice to live in a town that is still safe enough to let your kids run with their friends in a public place and worry about what will happen to them. Anyway, what I have learned from Flag Football;

1. The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth

By this I mean that even though it is FLAG football, you still get your hiney slammed into the grass if you aren't aggressive.
2. Almost Only Counts In Horseshoes, Hand Grenades and Atom Bombs

McCade was very good at ALMOST getting the flags off of people, but it only counts if you actually manage to grab the flag.
3. The Simplest Advice Is Usually The Best

The final words from the coach before the start of every game; "Have fun, if you get the ball - run THAT WAY!"
Other exciting news. . .
Tacey made the Basketball team!

This is their first official team meeting. I swear, I was more nervous when she went into the coach's office to get her 'yes' or 'no' than I have EVER been for an audition. (And I get majorly freaked out before an audition. . . it isn't pretty.)

This is Tacey, Katelyn and Jennifer. You probably recognize Katelyn from Tacey's city basketball team last year.

This is Tacey and Mikayla.

Gotta love that Russet Pride!

Other news. . .

I had hinted in an earlier blog that I had a new job! Well this one brings my 'Official Job Total', to three. I began my new job as the music specialist for Stuart Elementary the Monday we got back from Spud Harvest. We had kept it a secret from the boys, so on the day I taught THEIR classes I told them. It was fun to get all the classes I had visited before to 'keep the secret', until I had the chance to tell them myself. They were reserved at school, but admitted they thought it was cool later in the day. I now have a lunch date with one or the other of my boys every Wednesday at the deluxe, top quality cafeteria! That is two of Dallin's best friends Willson and John sitting behind him, and that is cute little Brie with the broken arm. She has been one of McCade's best friends since first grade.

So, being the person I am, I am writing a grant to get their equipment updated. Seriously, who uses a stereo anymore? (With the exception of my Mom who still uses a tape deck, but that is another thing altogether). In the meantime, I am downloading stuff onto my iPod and taking my dock. On the upside, my obvious knowledge of technology gives me instant 'street cred' with the kids.
