Sunday, November 8, 2009

Arrow of Light

Last Sunday Dallin received his Arrow of Light. He worked hard to earn it, and deserved it. It was an awesome experience as it is the Cub Scout equivalent of the Eagle in Boy Scouts. It is also the only Cub Scout badge you can wear on your Boy Scout Uniform.

The Arrow of Light Badge has 7 rays of light radiating from it - each represents a virtue.

1. Wisdom; It means using the knowledge you have for the right, not to have a lot of knowledge.

2. Courage; It does not mean you are without fear, but that you meet challenges and dangers in spite of your fear.

3. Self-Control; not just of your temper - but in all things.

4. Justice; dealing fairly with others regardless of their opinions, race, creed or color.

5. Faith; the conviction that something unproved by physical evidence is true.

6. Hope; to expect with confidence.

7. Love; There are many kind of love, love of family, love of home, love of fellowman, love of God, and love of country. All of these are necessary for a happy life.

Both of my Grandfathers were into Scouting - in a big way. I couldn't help but think about them as we stood there with Dallin, and how proud they are of him. I know they are proud because I know they were watching, and they were there. Both of my Grandfathers were great examples of all the virtues in the Arrow of Light. I am thankful for the scouting program and the way it is helping my sons become great men - like my grandfathers.

I will also say that when we got home, Shane congratulated me for getting my Arrow of Light - guess it is like when I congratulate him for winning the Pinewood Derby!
