I loved my little Honor Choir!
Grandma and Grandpa in town made for even better Easter fun. It is nice now that the kids are getting older; we concentrate more on the real reason for Easter. But we do enjoy our Cadbury Eggs!Dallin finding an egg.
McCade not able to find anything - even the marshmallow bunnies right by his hand!
The troops showing their 'stuff'. Happily they were just as excited that they had new clothes to wear to church.
The following Wednesday was a VERY BIG DAY! Once again, the Pinewood Derby! There is not another day in the calendar year more stressful for Shane. Oh, he didn't sleep for two days working his hiney off to come back home to be here for the races. It's a good thing too! I don't know graphite from glue, and wouldn't know how to put wheels on car. Shane was elected to run the track. It is a VERY serious business, this Pinewood Derby.
This is the board with the heats and results.
In case you couldn't see in the other picture; these are the final standings.
WHOO HOO! Two boys, Two cars, First and Second places, ONE VERY HAPPY DAD!Dallin and the winning car!
McCade and the car that gave Dallin's a run for the money!
All our Cub Scouts and their cars. It was a fun night!
That Friday Tacey opened in another production of 'The Music Man'. She is again playing Amaryllis. Pictures to come later. . .
Then on Saturday we went to see 'Monsters vs. Aliens.' The 3D was REALLY good, but we had seen this level of 3D before. However, Tacey was upset over a sign as you walked into the theatre.I think the movie was the longest she had gone without texting in a long time. I swear, that girl even texts in her sleep.
Then this week we had another VERY big night in the Matheson house; Dance Recital. I know there are requirements in every household. Around here most people require all their children to play the piano. In our house, it is dance. And on a nice Thursday night we had Dance Recital. The boys are the best male dancers their age, and actually in a class by themselves. I mean that both literally and figuratively.