Thursday, November 20, 2008

How long has this been going on. . .

Here it is, almost Thanksgiving and I have posted no new pictures or updates; shame on me. So Lets see. . . what has been consuming our time. . .
Shane is working very hard - he had to go back to New York, we were both sad I couldn't go with him.
Dallin has his days consumed with 4th grade, tap dance lessons, GT (Gifted and Talented Education), Weblos and Apangea. Apangea is an online computer math program that lets kids work and go as fast and as far in math as they want. He can work at school as well as home. There were only a handful of kids NOT in Junior High School that were allowed to participate.
McCade is consumed with 3rd grade, tap dance lessons, Wolves and the IFYAC fall show titled "A Night on Broadway".
Tacey has the 7th grade (and all of those inherent problems), 5 dance classes (which she hasn't actually had time to go to in the last 1 1/2 months), the 7th grade girls Basketball team (which WON!!!!! on Tuesday), the IFYAC show and the constant function of her fingers as she has a obscene texting habit.
I have been up to my ears in my three jobs, not to mention actually taking care of my family!!!!

The IFYAC show was something I got myself involved in; me and my opinionated, big mouth. Anyway, I had 6 rehearsals to put together a musical revue that actually made sense and was of a quality people would actually pay to come to see, using the membership of the Idaho Falls Youth Arts Council. I have to say, all things considered, it did come together. The individual numbers went off pretty much exactly as I had expected them to, the only UNFORESEEN glitch in the process was a mass case of stage fright that gripped about half of the people who had been assigned Narrations. Regardless, the organization sold substantially more tickets than they had planned on. In addition, it made them a nice amount of money to help fill up the checkbook.
This little event also involved Tacey who played Chava in the section that was an 'Ode to Fiddler on the Roof' (which means she and two other girls did the song 'Matchmaker' and the scene around that.) McCade was just his cute little completely reserved and full of stage presence self and sang his 'Gary, Indiana' in the Music Man section. He was a big hit.

Now we are looking forward to Jazz Basketball, and I will be auditioning people for and getting ready to direct the show out at Jefferson Montessori. It should be fun.

I think the biggest victim in all our craziness is Koda, who thinks his family has abandoned him . . .