When I last posted, we were running like crazy from one ballgame to another, and fitting in numerous rehearsals at the same time. (I do have to say a Midsummer Night's Dream was a BIG success, and I feel much better having FINALLY directed my first Shakespeare piece). Now things are a bit quieter, so my mind is walking off on it's random little tangents! I will start, however, with pictorial updates!
Actually, maybe not! (since we didn't take any 4th of July pictures). We basically sat around home, did 'chores', ate a ton of 4th of July-type food (BBQ hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad, pasta salad and soda), then made the trek to Idaho Falls to see the fireworks. Tacey had just gotten back from Girl's Camp the day before, and I had throughly de-junked, rearranged and 'teenified' her room while she was gone. (This could have been either a really good thing, or a really bad thing. Either way it needed to eb done and she was happy in the end.) It is no longer a shrine to all things pre-teen (like High School Musical and Happy Bunny) but is a lot more grown up and a lot PINKER! Which is what she would refer to as her signature color. . .
We threw a Mary Kay party for her friends and their Mothers on Wednesday; I let Tacey be the Hostess so she could get a discount on all the stuff she wanted to buy. As much as ALL women like a facial, I think they liked the chocolate fountain better! Shane was out of town, but wandered back in on Friday. Then Sunday Tacey and I left for . .
I figured it out and I think if I plan properly he can earn EVERY SINGLE THING POSSIBLE as a Weblos. (*Sigh of relief*). I am hoping he has incredible Scoutmasters when he becomes an 11-yr old Scout. We have learned through experience if they don't have that Eagle by the time they are 14, it probably won't happen. On the lucky side, Shane's uncle is a professional scouter; running one of, if not THE largest Scout camp in the nation. He said we could just send the boys down when we needed to and he would see that they got everything they needed to get done! On to McCade!!! McCade was at the point he had earned Bear as well as a gold arrow and a silver arrow.
He still has 7 months left in Bears, so we will be working on our arrows!
I am very pleased with both of them! They (Shane, Dallin & McCade) came out to Music Camp on Friday and watched the final performances. Even though I AM discussing my own work, I have to say the Musical Theatre Section ROCKED! The kids sang SO loud, danced well, and learned SO much. I could not have had a better result! ESPECIALLY considering they only had 4 days to learn and perfect!
That Saturday was Hailey's first birthday party.
The Boy cousins; Josh, Dallin & McCade
The Girl Cousins: Tacey, Hailey and Emmalee
then opened presents, then played pin the tail on the Lion,
(which was even funnier as Laura forgot a blindfold and creativity had to be used)
and then dressed in animal costumes for a family picture.
Yes, the costumes were mine, what did you expect!!!
Lets see, from left to right bottom row we have Kristie as the chipmunk, Logan as the mosquito, Emmalee as the fly and McCade as the Sky God. (That would explain the meditative position). Then in the back row we have Jilana as the python, Dallin as the Spider, Tacey as the Tiger, Laura as the Monkey, Hailey as a Bumblebee, Casey as the Goose, Ben as the Bird, Grandpa as the baby spider, Brad as the Beehive holding the little baby bee, Josh as the Rabbit and Kathy as the Leopard. Oh, and a poor, deformed multi-tailed Lion!
Sunday Shane and I spent driving. We got up at the VERY early hour of 4:00am and drove Tacey to Salt Lake to the airport. I must be out of practice, because AGAIN I forgot to take pictures!!! It was her first time flying alone, and she was EXTREMELY nervous about changing planes in Phoenix, but she really wanted to go vacation with Grandma. So, even though there were tears, she went. And, I am happy to report, got on the right plane, got to San Diego and even started to get annoyed when we kept calling to make sure she was okay! (hahaha, sometimes she is SO 13)
Monday Jilana and I helped them (Laura & Ben) pack; and said our goodbyes. I will miss them. We spent time together, not tons, but I always knew Laura would be there to help me in a pinch; like when I went to New York and had no one to watch McCade and Koda. Idaho can get pretty lonely. . .
Jilana was hanging out for a few more days so Tuesday we went to lunch and then took the kids swimming. Again, out of practice, so there are no pictures. It was nice however, to get a bit of a sunburn. Wednesday we signed Dallin up for Tackle Football; he is simultaneously both excited and scared. His Dad is VERY excited. McCade isn't old enough yet for football, but he has found another sport that he loves - gymnastics. He has been taking lessons this summer, and he likes it so much I signed him up for fall. He works harder at this than anything else I have ever seen him do, other than performing. I hope to see him flipping all over soon; hope it isn't off the funiture or the roof.
Later Wednesday night Shane left for Scout Camp, and that brings us to now. . .
I will try and scan in the baseball and dance pictures soon. . . then I should have fully repented. We are leaving for vacation soon, so I hope I can get back in the habit of posting every week before then. *sigh*, I hope.