As the last pictures posted were of Dance Recital, it is now important to discuss The Music Man as Dance Recital happened in between performances of it! Tacey once again played Amaryllis, and I am pleased to say she is finally coming to understand her Mom does have a bit of knowledge in the whole 'Theatre Area'. She let me coach her a bit this time, and has definately improved as an actress! We didn't really get pictures of the event, except for this important one:
I went back to school to get my Master's in Theatre. I really enjoyed it and found out a few things about myself. First of all; I am SMART! Second; I have really original creative ideas! And third; I am exceptionally good at what I do. All of this led to two years of totally enjoyable work, a 4.0 and a snapped achilies tendon! I was supposed to graduate LAST May, but I took one final Thesis credit in the summer so that I had a little more time to finish it. I made this decision back in January, thinking with the number of shows I intended on doing, it would be a good thing to take a little more time. Then, I had to deal with the whole snapped-tendon-surgery thing in the middle of the semester, so that turned out to be a VERY good thing on my part. I am SO glad I listened to my little inner voice. I was all set to walk Commencement in August, but then found out they had cancelled it. I was ANGRY. So, to sum it all up in not a few words: I did graduate in August, I have had the Diploma in my hands since October to prove it, I paid $85.00 for an ill-fitting uni-sex black dress with dumb sleeves (THATS a whole different story), a hat that looks good on no one with a hangy thing (that said the wrong year), and a weird scarf so I could get the holder for the Diploma! Here is the very important man that PAID for that little piece of paper! About the weird sleeves: I put on my graduation robe when my Mom was here for Laura's graduation. As I did so, my hand went to the bottom of the sleeve and got stuck! I looked at my Mom, angry that I had been given a defective robe with one sleeve sewn shut! I put my hand in the other sleeve and you know what? SAME THING! Then my mom noticed it did have arm holes and the end of the sleeve was supposed to dangle off my forearm, not stop at my wrist. I would feel really dumb about this (I DO have my Master's and all), except that as I stood in line for the procession, someone commented thay had the same experience and as we took a poll: everyone originally thought they had a defective robe. Now your looking at the picture to see the weird sleeves, aren't you? I guess part of getting your Master's is learning to 'Master' the funny robe!
My Dad, Grandma and JoAnne came up for the event; that was AMAZINGLY too long. I heard other people in the Master's Section talking about how they were going to walk the line then keep going and walk out of the arena. I swear, when I get my Doctorate, I am doing just that!!! Shane held in until the very end. Hope he feels he got his money's worth!
My Dad also threw me a Graduation Party that was hosted and catered by my cousin Xochithl. This meant he went to the nearest store to help buy supplies. He saw the chocolate, and thought of me. Dallin thought that was a pretty good idea!
Xochie's house was a good choice; it came complete with a big backyard, a trampoline, a hammock, lots of cousins to play with and PUPPIES! Mac spent alot of time with the cute little guys (so did JoAnne for that matter. . . )
There were also light saber battles to be fought
Some of them with Uncle Cuauhtemoc
And a hammock to make the puppies stay where you wanted them and swing gently on in the nice weather!
Thanks Xochie!
While we were occupied with graduation, we also had a production most of us (Me, Tacey & McCade) were involved in. I wrote and directed a production based on the Anansi Folk Tales with a friend of mine to serve as a cultural experience for the kids at the school I teach at as well as a fundraiser for the PTO. It was a big success; making a good deal of money for the organization and presenting the kids with experiences that managed to shock the school councilor. (In a good way. . .). Here's cute little cast. By little I mean they were all young; there was a TON of them.
Tacey was the Assistant Director and McCade played several parts.There were several stories, so everyone got a chance to find a minute to shine. This particular one was 'Anansi and the Turtle'.
That's Mac as Anansi. Anansi is a spider.
This is Mac attempting to 'jump into the pool of water' to eat dinner with Turtle. Mac really liked the whole trampoline thing; I knew he would (hehe). He (Anansi) was too light to sink to the bottom so he had to fill the pockets of his jacket with rocks.
Then turtle yelled at him for wearing his jacket at the table. Sounds kinda mean when you don't know the whole story, but Anansi really desreved it. He had treated Turtle badly earlier in the story.This one is called 'Anansi and the Liar's Contest'. Mac played a fly in this one.
He told a lie about how he had beaten a Tiger by flying down her mouth and grabbing the end of her tail and spinning her around and around until she was so dizzy she fell down. All in all, it was a good experience! I was also preoccupied by a nest of baby robins that were growing up before our eyes in the carport. The Mom Bird built 3 nests in all, finally deciding she liked the last one. She laid three eggs and would yell at me whenever I went outside to see how they were doing. (I didn't touch them, just held up a mirror so I could see in what I THOUGHT was a non-evasive way). I got in this habit after I went out there and was CERTAIN that one of the babies was dead. I called Shane, who was out of town, and told him about it. He asked me if I had touched it, to which I replied 'EWWWW! NOOOOO!'. He tried to convince me it was asleep. I wouldn't believe him. I mean, COME ON! What bird sleeps with it's head rolled back and mouth open? It totally looked dead! But nope, it was just sleeping; Shane was right. I was relieved. Who knew baby birds played dead so well? Not me, that's for sure!
One day I went out, and there were only two. I was SO sad. I thought the little guy had fallen out of the nest and was going to starve. I went out again later and there was only one and the second guy was one the ground, standing there looking at me. 10 minutes later, number three was also gone. I assumed it must be 'flying day'. I hope they all made it, but as is wise to do with many things, I just let nature take its course.
Summer also means that we spend time with Jarrett and Cole. Our summer activities started with lunch, a trip to the library, a walk along the river to feed to ducks and a trip to Reed's Dairy for Ice Cream. There were also lots of baby 'things' there; baby ducks, baby geese and baby bugs of many biting varities.
McCade . . . and everyone!
And of cource, Baseball and Softball were in full swing (pun also intended there!)Dallin and McCade played on the same team, Tacey is playing on two separate teams. They took official team pictures, and I have video, but blogger isn't cooperating right now. I PROMISE it will take me less time to post those!
On that note. . . More to come later!!!