1. Hard Drive on Laptop died a very quick, yet painful death. Thank Goodness our computer Doctor is AMAZING and saved all but a few few files stored in its memory.
2. Laundry
3. As it was in the process of dying I was afraid to empty the camera with all the pictures THIS YEAR so far. I take a lot of pictures. There was a high probability an amazing picture or two could be lost! I couldn't risk losing them by loading them onto a sick computer.
4. When the new hard drive came to live in my computer it took HOURS to download all the pictures and video.
5. Laundry.
6. Basement still under construction
7. Laundry & Dishes
8. 3 kids; one who is now driving herself around in her *amazing* car, one who always needs to be taken to the Library, and one who cannot be left to his own devices. . . although when I do allow that I usually get a good giggle.
9. The Refrigerator went to sleep for 3 days. Used all my blogging time walking to the outside fridge and freezer getting the stuff I needed to feed my ravenous 12 yr-old.
So, I made a BIG decision. Start where I am and slowly catch up. So, chronological this is not. Entertaining and informative? I hope so.
There has been a lot said recently about the silent stalkers of Mormon Mommy Blogs. I guess I also fall into that category; as a blogger as well as a stalker. I bet you could find Mommy Blogs from every religious affiliation; not just Mormons. Basically the articles say we are a bunch of women who have taken society has told us and decided to do the opposite; put off our careers but not our families. Actually be proud of being a Wife and Mother first. If that is how I am labeled, then I admit it; guilty.
I am the Mom that drives the kids to school and WATCHES them walk inside. I am the one that knows all of their teachers on a first name basis, as well as the secretaries and principals. I am the Mom that checks all the homework. I am the Mom that drives to and watches almost every dance lesson, football practice and basketball practice. I am the Mom that fails to make her kids do the chores they should; its just easier than the tension I feel making them do it right. I am the Mom that runs with the dog as often as possible. I say it is for the exercise; it is really for the peace and quiet. I have to have 30 minutes a day without Disney Channel ringing in my ears. I am last to bed, and second one up. (Hubby grew up on a Dairy farm. How does one compete with that?) I bake my own bread because it is cheaper. I make brownies from scratch because Brownie Mix is too expensive. I want to eat more salads. I am the Mom that knows all of my kid's friends; most of them think I am cool. I am the Mom that writes nasty letters to idiot-politicians. (I write a lot of letters). I am the Mom that volunteers ALL THE TIME. I am the Mom that sees the lines around my eyes and wishes I still look like I did 10 years ago. I am the Mom that refused to believe that my children are mediocre. I am the Mom that expects my kids to ALWAYS do their best. I am the Mom that will move everything to provide my child an opportunity to try something they are interested in. I am the Mom that wonders what kind of career I will find waiting for me when my kids are gone, and what I can do to prepare for it.
So yea. According to society I have it all backwards. Yep. It's okay. I'm cool with it. Heck, I even have the teenager stamp of approval.
So, what is an overly-busy mom to do?
Well, today I made waffles for breakfast (the kids ate the waffles, I am only allowed unsweetened oatmeal). Got everyone ready for school, got myself ready for school, woke up the lazy doggie and made him go outside to do his *business*, cleaned the kitchen, handled all last minute financial crisis (MOM! I need lunch money!), dropped them off and unloaded my stuff into my classroom all before 7:50am.
Then I taught music to 3rd, 4th and 5th graders, with a break for lunch. (yep, more kids. See why I exercise?) Lunch turned into a discussion with one of Teenager's friends about the merits of Debate vs. Sports championships in the long run. Lean Meat on homemade wheat bread; no mayo all the while wishing it had lettuce and tomatoes.
After school there was a meeting with the High School Choir Teacher, a tap class, beauty treatments for dance pictures, personal driver to and from Piano lessons and the library.
Next was on to the current holiday.
I was informed at breakfast that today was pi day (3.14 as in March 14th). Smartie-pants gifted child was pretty excited about it. SO what is an overly busy Mom to do? Well, she pulls the left over Mashed potatoes from the Sunday Night Dinner from the fridge. Nope, not enough. Must peel and boil more. Did that, mashed them. Added them to the leftovers. Then made trip to the store for other NECESSARY pi-day supplies;
Chicken Pies and Mashed Potatoes for Dinner.
And the bonus Fruit Pies for Dessert.
Yep, on SALE for $0.59.
All fully microwaveable.
Went to the trouble of heating up the Chicken ones, but for Dessert everyone was on their own.
My excuse? It was cheap, easy and festive.
I seek after these things.