This one I approached with a bit of sadness . . . it was the last one. It is hard to believe Cub Scouts is over. I officially became a Cub Scout Mom in October of 2006, now in February of 2011 I have no more Cubs. In a way it is a relief, but it is also sad to see it go.
I am really proud of the boys; they were the most decorated Cub Scouts I know. They worked really hard in their scouting programs.
So this Blue and Gold was the last cake. I talked McCade through the cake batter; but he did it himself. I made the frosting, but he frosted them himself. I did put the numbers on, but the CONCEPT for the cake was ALL his. The theme was 'Turn Back The Clock'. I think he did a great job!
As I look at this I remember the exploding volcano cake, the fireworks cake, the dragon cake, the American Flag cake, the 'Don't Tread On Me' cake, and the checkerboard cake with this final Blue & Gold clock ending our run. That's a lot of cake.
He is a very Handsome Cub Scout . . . last time to wear the Shirt that has been through so many Day Camps, Scout Sundays, Pack Meetings, and Den Meetings. So glad it is washable.
McCade earned his Arrow of Light. It is the Highest Rank in Cub Scouts, and is the ONLY Cub Scout award that can be worn on the Boy Scout Uniform. His buddy Connor also earned his Arrow of Light, so got to have their ceremony together.
(In keeping with Church Policy, there are no open flames, so they were battery powered lights).
The Arrow points the way to the path of truth. Follow this path and grow to be a strong and honest Man. The Sun lights the path so that you may never lose your way. The first candle represents Wisdom. It does not mean superior knowledge, it means putting right use to the knowledge you have. The second candle represents Courage. Courage doesn't mean you meet danger without fear; it means you meet danger in spite of your fear. The third candle represents Self Control. Self control does not only include you temper, but control and direction in all things you do. The fourth candle represents Justice. Justice is the practice of dealing fairly with others without prejudice or regard for race, color or creed.
The Fifth candle represents Faith. It is believing in something you can't physically prove is true. The sixth candle represents Hope. Hope means to expect with confidence. Always hope for better things to come. The seventh candle represents Love. There are many kinds of Love; Love of family, love of home, love of your fellow man, and love of God & Country.To live by these virtues is to live a life that is successful and joyful.