Sunday, August 19, 2012

Back to School. . . Dang it!

Okay, so we all know my blogging has not been the best as of late. I am attempting to rectify that. So, as I seemed to take an unintentional year off, from now on the goal is to do current as well as past event simultaneously. In other words, I will compare now to last year and we shall see how much has changed in that little period of approximately 365 days.

We started school this week. Geez, I ALWAYS hate that. I like to hang out with my kids, do fun things with my kids, get my house clean in a shorter period of time because I have help. . . .But alas, that is not possible. I have even thought about home school, but I am lacking in discipline and I KNOW that a trip to the movies would be more important to me than Algebra, or English or any other academic necessity.

I have been trying to learn my camera better, basically get it off the point and shoot settings. I also want to be more creative with how I pose people and learn how to find the right light, things like that. This year I decided to take Back-to-School pictures since the ones from the school are nice, but have ALL had bad color the past few years. Besides, if I can take just as good a picture, why would I spend $25.00 for 3 so-so pictures of my kids when I can it myself for less than a dollar.

Look at how handsome Dallin has gotten!

He is a big 8th grader now. It really shows in how tall he has gotten. I think now he is officially taller than me. Shane says that is no great feat, as I am not that tall.

He has a quiet stillness about him. At times I can see the amazing man he is going to be.

But he still has a unique sense of humor. I am glad he still embraces his silly side occasionally.

McCade has also grown up a lot this summer. I have truly seen him working on responsibility; trying hard and struggling through the growing pains that we face during our pre-teen years.

Don't think that he has abandoned his silly side though!

He is always the light and energy in any group.

And now he is a big 7th grader.

Tacey is a Junior this year. Geez, who gave her permission to grow up?

Last year was a year of change for her. She turned 16 and started dating.

She had some big disappointments, but pulled herself up and set new goals.

She worked for those goals, and succeeded.

 And became a Varisty Cheerleader.

So, here we go!
Lets take a bite of this school year!

But before we do, lets look at how we have grown.

This is McCade at the beginning of 6th Grade. Shorter, younger, and still just as happy.

And still just as excited about school. (Not really the academics, mostly the social aspect).

WOW, has Dallin ever changed! What a difference a year makes!

Even Tacey, who didn't actually grow outside, but grew by leaps and bounds inside.
I took the opportunity to recreate a picture last year that I took on Tacey's first day of Kindergarten. 
This is Tacey and our two neighbors, Matt & TJ. They have made their way home from school together since that day. Tacey was in Kindergarten, Matt was in 1st Grade & TJ was in 2nd Grade. They are all neighbors.

Can you believe this? They still look the same, their height ratio is the same, and they still have the same smiles.

Although they look more like this now!
(Special thank you to the boys for being nice enough to let me take their picture. It was pretty painful for them, I am sure!)

Here we go for another year of school!
