On Monday Tacey found out that she won't have to wear her braces much longer; official removal date is December 2nd. Happy Early Christmas for her! McCade woke up sick on Tuesday, but it was only a 24 hour thing - either that or a just until the obscene amount of Halloween candy he ate Monday afternoon had left his body! Dallin got to go to his first official Boy Scout Meeting; he was SO excited. We raked leaves on Thursday and Friday for a widow at church. Sounds like it wasn't a big deal, but she has a HUGE yard with a ton of VERY LARGE trees, as well as HUGE trees in her neighbor's yard that like to shed their leaves in her yard! I can honestly say I had never raked leaves before; I grew up in Southern California! I thought I was did well until about 2:00am that night when I woke up with pains in my arms that felt like I was getting a ton of tetanus shots! I took an Aleve and went back to bed; I swear I am getting old. On Thursday I also took lunch into Tacey's Basketball team, the Moms always bring in lunch during the home games.
Probably the most eventful thing came at Tacey's game on Tuesday. She had games on both Tuesday and Thursday; on Thursday they seemed to have just 'checked out' against Sugar-Salem, and lost; they play them again, so I am hopeful they will play like I know they can and beat them. They also lost on Tuesday to Firth, but they played hard the entire time, they simply did not make the baskets necessary to win. The whole game was quite an experience as one of the girls on the other team set the timbre for the whole event. She was full of bad sportsmanship and profanity; she was ejected early in the third quarter fro having 5 fouls, and commenced to swear at the Official. Her family was even louder, much more profane and intensely negative. they were negative to their OWN girls, not just ours and the Officials. Not long after the girl was ejected, the one of the Officials stopped the game and said they weren't going to start the game again until the family left. Of Course, they wouldn't leave and since those in charge couldn't determine EXACTLY who was causing the problem, the oldest daughter left in lieu of the parents yelling profanity the whole way.
Now, I like it when Tacey's team plays hard and plays well. I like it even better when they win. But it is a Parent's job to support their child, and the other players on the team. But it shows nothing other than an utter lack of class to talk badly about the other team and the Officials. These people did both of those things IN ADDITION to talking bad about their own team. I guess there really is nothing to do in Firth when your entire life revolves around an 8th Grade Girls basketball game; seriously.
Lets hope this weeks games go better!
Playing Guard against Firth.
Waiting for the Obnoxious Parents to leave. . . which they never did.