This is her shooting, and making, a foul shot. Nice form, yes?
Halloween was a few days later. Tacey went as the color pink. She was ALL pink - her eyelashes, her braces, her rubber bands, her scarf and all her clothes - including her shoes.
Dallin was Indiana Jones. I have to say it was a really good looking costume, even if I am the one who created it. I made his whip - its construction was Andrea's idea. It looked really good - and of course the first thing he did when he got it was try it out on his brother.
My handsome guy.
McCade went as the Crocodile Hunter. He said 'Crikey!' all night. He was the ALIVE Crocodile Hunter, not the dead one. That will be something he probably does when he is older. . . like 16.
Also a very handsome guy.
We took them Trick-or-Treating, starting at a Pumpkin Walk at the North Bingham County Park. They had several candy stations spread out throughout the displays. It was an easy way to get a lot of candy quickly - and that is the point of Halloween, right?
McCade - he has the best smile, doesn't he?
Again, a very handsome Indiana Jones - Harrison Ford better watch out!
This is one of the pumpkin displays. This is Dallin as Indiana Jones standing in the Indiana Jones the pumpkin display. Yep, that pumpkin back there is supposed to be Indiana Jones.
This is the Charlotte's Web pumpkin display. I suggest clicking on it and making it bigger. The Cows are made of pumpkins, the geese, the sheep, the horse, the farmer, and of course Wilbur and Fern!
This is Anakin Skywalker and Darth Maul as a pumpkin display. It is hard to tell, but I think Dath Maul is going to win this round!
The rest of the night was spent in pursuit of as much candy as they could possibly get. I have to say they did really well. They gave up rather early I thought - but their pumpkins were totally full, so it was a good night. As for Shane and I, we sat in the warm car - I even had the seat warmers on. It was actually a good night for Trick-or-Treating as far as Idaho goes. It was 56 degrees, and there was no snow. Usually there is snow . . .
We also had a really special event with Dallin today - he received his Arrow of Light - the highest rank you can get as a Cub Scout and the ONLY Cub Scout patch you can wear on your Boy Scout shirt. The Arrow of Light is in Cub Scouts like the Eagle is in Boy Scouts. I haven't down loaded those pictures yet, and I want to take some time to talk about it, so that post will come later.
Happy Day After Halloween!