Sunday, September 5, 2010

First Day Of School 2010-11

Thursday, August 20, 2010. The dreaded day; the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL.

I have to say that I was no more exited about it than the kids were. Yes, it did mean I also had to go back to work, but I really do enjoy the adventures we have when we are home and this particular summer break felt extremely short.

Tacey is now a Freshman in High School. She started the day dressed in her signature color: pink. We had some issues with friends this summer; not big ones, but enough to help her realize who was a real friend and who wasn't. She has started the year with a positive attitude and has quickly made new friends in the Sophomore, Junior and Senior classes. I anticipate her having an amazing year.

McCade is in 5th grade, and after A LOT of hoop-jumping within the system, I had him placed in the appropriate math class. He isn't the most dedicated of students sometimes (even though he is amazingly smart), so his 4th grade teacher had NOT recommend him for Advanced Math. I would normally take a teacher at their word, but his test scores were so high, and he did so well EVEN THOUGH he didn't pay attention in class we really felt he needed to be in a situation where the VERY BEST was expected of him. So far, so good. I wondered at first how he would do, now that they have changed the 5th Grade format and he would have 7 different classes from 6 different teachers. But after some thought, and watching the way he excelled at Music Camp, I think this might be a good thing. I think the opportunity to wiggle and move and completely change environments to go to a new class will help him focus.

Dallin is in 6th grade, in all advanced classes and has been re-approved for the Gifted & Talented Program. He opted for Drama & Art as his electives; there wasn't a lot of choice. I think he is also going to have great year. He also has 7 different classes from 6 different teachers. He even gets to ride the Bus to a different school for his Gifted & Talented class; it takes the place of his Science class. His current project is to build a boat from only cardboard and duct tape. Good thing he can swim!

As for me, I finally have classrooms, and the school district has lost all the sheet music I ordered last fall. I have two new principals to work with; and it already looks like one of them is going to drive me nuts.

Here we go!